Sunday, May 11, 2008

Music Mom

It's Mother's Day! The day when phone companies see their highest volume of calls in a year.

This blog is my Mom's fault. She loves music, and she insisted on piano lessons, developing an early habit that expanded to violin ... then to French Horn ... then Trumpet ... then back to French Horn. I didn't learn much Spanish, but I learned the international language of music.

Of course, being the oldest, I was the guinea pig, and I didn't turn out near as well as my siblings (although Mom, being Mom, will disagree, because all of her kids are above average!). Mom
put up with my brother "choking the goose" as a saxophone player with a wicked sense of humor. He was drum major of his high school band {at a different school} for two years as well, but then gravitated toward visual arts and now earns his living as a wickedly funny high school photography teacher. Mom had one last chance at music with my sister, but being the youngest and being my sister, she chose visual arts instead, where she has developed her talents as an artist, a teacher, and also an active blogger!)

Mom loves hymns and musicals (especially the classics, The Sound of Music and Fiddler on the Roof). She loves the classics and singing as well. (Always singing!) I think I learned to like the classics because of Bugs Bunny (I mean, c'mon, the "Rabbit of Seville" or "What's Opera Doc"! or "Baton Bunny" or "Long Hared Hare" or "Rhapsody Rabbit" or even Tom & Jerry in "The Cat Concerto"!) but Mom encourage the habit as well. I remember listening to Peer Gynt's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" over and over again. And just about any excerpt from Georges Bizet's Carmen. And ... well, you get the point. (Thanks, Mom, for letting me watch quality TV!)

Music was a ticket to life experiences and lessons. Don't believe me? Try this ... what is the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States? If you know it, I bet you are singing it, just like I learned to sing all 50 states in alphabetical order and learned how to get a bill through Congress!

Mom's gift to me was the fun of music, even the "serious music." Music was her gift, and she shared it with everyone with whom she comes into contact. (She teaches English, too.) Aahhh, but there is something else, too.

Mom also has not only a gift for music, but she can be, well, punny. I inherited the sense of humor (such as it is, I am told). So, with great thanks and in tribute to Mom (who reads this blog, like any Mom would), and reflecting her sense of music and sense of humor, I will pass along this advice that she gave me. This advice I found to be something I could apply every da
y ... walking around the neighborhood ... on my commute ... and even (especially) dealing with others!

Are you ready? Okay, here we go:

"If you don't C#, then you may Bb."

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