Monday, January 21, 2008

Killer Giants

(Saturday Night Lights: A Father's Notes on Excellence)

I love football. But for me*, marching band was the only way I was ever going to get to perform on my field of dreams.

Growing up in San Antonio and Dallas, my team was America's Team, the Dallas Cowboys. What a season they had ... right up to late November. Then, inexplicably, they quit.

I've seen bands do that. They get confident in their show, and so they quit trying to be better. They stop practicing, at least mentally (which makes getting out on the practice field pointless). Then they wonder why the lost the show, or "scored 82 when, man, the show as waaay better than Band X!", which, of course, is the band that didn't quit practicing, getting just that much better, and then showed up, reached down, and performed every single time they took the field, whether practice, halftime, or a contest.

So now it's the Perfect Machine vs. the Persistent Manning. It pains me to say this, but they are NFC and NFC East at that. I'm pulling for the Giants. (But never the Redskins, even if they do have a marching band!)

Besides, even big brothers need to pull for little brothers from time to time!

* You know that movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"? I tell my wife her movie was "My Little Skinny Geek Wedding"!

P.S. Congrats to my neighbor, who made the soprano (oops - trumpet!) line of Jersey Surf!

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