Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

I am spending this last day of vacation not so much watching football so much as listening to some interesting "classical" compositions by some interesting non-classical "composers" ... Billy Joel (Fantasies & Delusions: Music for Solo Piano) and Paul McCartney (Ecce Cor Meum, translated Behold My Heart). McCartney's composition would make for an interesting show concept.

Speaking of football, did you know at least two NFL teams have bands? It pains me to compliment the Washington Redskins, but I will "hail" them for their band. (Hey, you! Trumpet on the left! Ditch the shades and get your horn up!!)

Then, just to the north, is the Baltimore Ravens Marching Band.

In case you care, I took on the handle Soundtracker because I've said from time to time that my life is just one long soundtrack under all of the pictures. As you can see, I like music and pictures (and maybe that's why I'm partial to soundtracks)! So this year amidst other thoughts I will post some show concepts in case a bored and desperate band director stumbles across this site. Essentially, these are soundtracks to a mini-life of a marching band show, but sometimes there will be other ideas within.

I'll try to give visual thoughts as well. I have some things to say about judging. I'll talk about performance and strategy (yup, because it all ties together).

Come to think of it, the sun is shining. I'm ready for some football ... off to the park we go!

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