Monday, October 22, 2007

You may take the field ...

The first step in solving a problem is to admit you have one.

My problem is this: I am a marching music geek.

Well, I am other things, too. A husband, dad, and healthcare business professional. A Christian (and that may well send some of you running, but stick with me a while). I call myself a Texan although I have not lived there in nearly two decades.

I guess it was early in life I developed a love for what goes on under the lights on a football field. Yes, the game is great, but for me, halftime became more than a time for hot dogs (frito pie!) and a coke (dr pepper!). The 15 minutes in the middle became as exciting as the 60 surrounding it!

I am a drum corps fan, but this isn't about just drum corps. I am a marching band dad, but this isn't just about my kid's (kids'!) band. It is reflections on what I see on football fields on Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, and then Saturday nights - under the lights.

If you are a fan of the book (movie or TV show) "Friday Night Lights", then you know the inspiration for the name. But the inspiration to start this came from someone else and a book.

More on that later. More on this, later, too.

"Readers (judges), are you ready?"

"Writer, is your keyboard ready?"

"Saturday Night Lights, you may take the field in exhibition ..."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's to new beginnings!I'm anxious to HEAR what you have to say... or play.