Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sweet Home ... Indiana?

Indiana is best known for basketball. At least that what I’m told, and I have to trust the person who told me. After all, I married her. (And of course there is that great movie about the little school that could.)

When I brought my future-wife home to meet the family, it was right after a Circle K International convention, in August, right after DCI finals. I didn’t know the results – this being the olden days before Al Gore invented the Internet. But we did have VHS! When I came into the house, I essentially said, “This is my mom. This is my sister. Now you can talk to them or sit with me, but I’m going to watch DCI finals.”

She sat. For a bit. Then went to talk to my Mom and sister. It would be a few years before she really got “snared” (okay – bad pun).

What she either didn’t know, or didn’t tell me, was that was that in Indiana, football fields are used for not just the Colts. South Dakota has the Badlands, Indiana is BandLands.

Don’t believe me? If you have time to read - you know, a book! - get "American Band". (It was one of the inspirations to start this blog. The other was my sister.) If you don’t just know this – Bands of America is headquartered in Indianapolis, home of the Grand National Championships. This coming summer, after the first of 10 years in the new Lucas Oil Stadium – where it will premier the stadium – Drum Corps International is moving to Indianapolis, too.

If your music doesn’t move on a football field, that’s okay. Indiana University is well known for its music school. And Bloomington is home to the Tony Award winning Blast!, formerly known as Star of Indiana.

Football lives in Texas, Ohio and Florida. (Yeah, yeah – and California, Alabama, Georgia …) Bands live in Indiana. Whodathunkit.

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