Friday, April 25, 2008

Visual Music/3D Sound!

I went to see Blast! again tonight, this time at the Lyric Opera House in Baltimore. What a beautiful venue, and acoustically enhancing! Music - in 3D!

My bride got me (us!) wonderful tickets as a birthiversary gift, second row balcony, right on the 50 yard line to boot! The audience (especially the band kids behind me) was ready, and responded well! It was truly "drum corps indoors". The sound was (especially compared to what I heard last night) awesome!

What did I think about the show, especially since I saw it a month ago? Well, I am told Yogi Berra (see previous post) had a son who was one day asked if he was anything like his word mangling father. "No," he is alleged to have said, "our similarities are different."

Maybe like any drum corps show, this performance was better in a nuanced way, responsive to the differences in the venue. The audience's active feedback to brought more out the performers as the show progressed (especially since they opened as if they were a bit tired and just off the bus). It was the same, but it wasn't. It was ... better! It was a great way to end this month, and now we are six weeks from the start of the summer!

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