Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day!

A day that occurs once every four years is too sweet a chance to not write! Sitting in my office, I notice that the sun is up later and later, and that means spring is near ... and summer is close!

Marching music goes on, though! Corps are in full rehearsal mode, winter guards and percussion lines are gearing up for their own version of March Madness before the the winter guard and percussion April championship events in Dayton arrive. And high school band directors are counting heads now and planning the next fall production.

I hope to be lucky enough to see Blast! twice, once in mid-March with my son's band on a field trip, and again in late April with my darling beloved, who bought a pair of tickets for my/our Valenbirthiversary! Either way, I'm goin' to the show! You should, too! In fact, that is going to be an exciting week, as that Thursday will be what I call the "DCI Movie".

Hey, lot's of reasons to leap!

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