Saturday, December 22, 2007

Unlimited creativity comes with limits

I love Fast Company magazine. It celebrates the design, art and creativity of business, for a profit. Art not for arts sake but for, well, performance!

This issue (December 2007/January 2008) has a great article by Chip and Dan Heath, the brothers behind the brand book "Made To Stick". The article's premise is that constraints can actually expand your team's creativity in problem solving.

I often like to say that "Thinking outside the box presumes you are able to think inside the box to begin with!"

I love band for that reason – what happens within the creative boundaries:

A green canvas, 300 x 160 feet (with a bit of leeway).
10 minutes (or a bit more).
The number of kids on instruments.
The instruments!
The talent the kids have.
The potential they bring.
The music.
The storyboard.
The props.
The budget.

Stuck on a problem? Limit your creativity. Then see what happens.

(This message brought to you on behalf of late shoppers everywhere - two shopping days left!)

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