Thursday, May 27, 2010

A tale of three cities

MP is in a drum corps this summer. He went to camps with three world class, top 12 corps, before finding a home with one of them (although, as an alternate, he has work to do to get a spot on the field this summer).

If you know us, then you know two of the organizations, both with clearly articulated missions about building young people. Those camps were interesting ... and intense for a young man. Yet while the educational value was high, I found interesting the comments he made about one or the other.

"I like it here," he noted on one of them. "The people are friendlier." Interesting, because you don't always associate friendliness with the corps. Both corps are intense, and fairly focused on winning, although there was one in particular that was giving some skills in goal setting and planning that many adults need to hear.

But the corps where he settled he found friendliness, intensity, a desire to win and improve, and a place where the feedback on making him a better player and marcher was delivered effectively. And I found not a mission - although they have one - but a motto that is an even better shorthand for what he can carry all his life.

And so, this summer, he will end the year in the city above. Which is, coincidentally, where he will start the summer. In between, I hope it is an experience he'll learn from.

Welcome to the Blue Stars. And remember FCO, son. FCO.

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