Sunday, March 15, 2009

Marching on through the month

Well, March has a lot on the calendar! We are in the middle of Music in our Schools Month, at least per MENC - The National Association for Music Education.

Face it, without music in our schools, most of us would not have been exposed to many opportunities to learn, appreciate, and - yes - make music, and to realize the impact in our lives. In fact, this blog and its focus on marching music relies on keeping scholastic music programs alive.

So, if you are a parent even remotely involved in a booster program, thank you for keeping music in our schools. If you are a director or other teacher directly involved in music education in our schools, thank you for dedicating your career to this effort! If you are a school music student, take advantage of every opportunity you are given!

And if you stumbled across this post and wonder how it applies to you ... well, go find a booster program near you and find a way to get involved! Don't have the time? Even if it's a small check in this tough enconomy can help with something. March on over and ask!

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