Friday, November 14, 2008


Today is another birthday in our family - that of "TP" (Trumpet Player). TP is not as passionate about music as MP, but that doesn't mean he does not enjoy playing. I hope he does join marching band with his brother next year. (They will need another mp, but I am told he already is making friends in the trumpet section.

TP is passionate, however. He loves horses. He wants to ride bulls. He just bought a camera that is fancier than anything I've ever owned. (Yes, including now. And, yes, he bought it, with money from mowing lawns and birthdays and so forth.)

If you know me. I wish he shared my passions. But what I really hope is that he keeps any passion, whether it is the one (ones?) he has now or another. I have rediscovered through this blog and other recent life experiences and events my passion for marching music. I hope everyone discovers a life passion. But I especially hope this for all my boys.

* Yeah, this is a retro post. So? :-)

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