Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kids these days ... (another scoring rubric)

Every now and then a high schooler can teach you something.

In one of my recent seen-but-not-heard-in-the-bandroom trips to aid in the showing a video of the weekend performance, I overheard MP's Senior Drum Major sharing with the band something he learned about scoring ...

* If it's in the 60s, you're just playing notes.
* If it's in the 70s, it's now a song.
* If it's in the 80s, it's becoming music.
* If it's in the 90s, it has become magic.

I applied this methodology over the past few weeks, adding a twist or two for marching and visual ("you're just moving", "it's now a picture", "it's becoming a performance", "it has become enthralling").

Darn. I hate it when kids are right.

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