For several weeks at the beginning of the year my pastor has delivered sermons on stewardship. Now, before you think this a few hour long lectures on money and how we need to “give and give more” to the church, this is not what he was talking about. Well, not entirely.
Stewardship, he says, is managing someone else’s assets. In the Bible there is the parable of the talents. “Talents” was the currency of the day, but there is the modern definition as well – a talent that you have.
But more than something you have a talent is your gift to the world, a thing you do. We have a talent for writing, for stories, for composing … for … everything! And I believe, as a popular radio host says, that we have “Talent, on loan from God”.
You may or may not believe in God the way I do. But I believe He has given you a talent … sometimes innate, sometimes uncovered. Talent seems to come naturally to some (such as my wife, who was born to be a nurse). For others it is pure work. But when you find it, it has to be managed, and often our number one talent manager is ourselves.
I’ve been fortunate to know a lot of talents in my marching music life. Scotty Sells with Carolina Thunder. Kevin Ford with Tarpon Springs HS, Carolina Crown (Stormworks, Chess) and Boston (1999’s Red). I’ve seen the creative talent in the abstract forms of George Zingali, and the geometric forms of Steve Brubaker (two who have left us). I’ve played (and enjoyed) Jay Bocook music, and have been intimidated when playing attempting to play a French Horn sitting next to his wife in a church orchestra in South Carolina. (I once told her that scripture says to "make a joyful noise", and not much about it being in tune!)
Are there others? How much time do you have ... I've also been around some great talents in my work life, my "political" life, and any other "life" I have had the privilege to experience.
Today is a reflective day for me - where I've been, where I'm going, and how I have used and cultivated the talents that I have been loaned from God. Am I being a good steward of the assets and gifts God has given me, and that others have given me through His providence.
Thank you to the talents around me. I hope I live up to what you have given me! And I hope in some way I've given you something in return.